Fitness update

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Mar 172012

The past couple of weeks have been extremely stressful.  I feel tired and not in the mood for much, not even food.  I have been eating, but at times, even though I’m hungry, I feel weak and a bit sick to my stomach.  I’m trying to think positive, but that is hard at times.  Thinking of Carlos and my decision about Sasha, has led me to reevaluate a few things/plans I was working on for when I found a job and even before.


To start, I had mentioned here and here about my workout routines and the classes I was planning on taking at the gym.  I recently learned I have a Myofascial Trigger Point, at least, that is one diagnosis.  Seems like I have something going on with my S1 nerve and this is creating the MTP.  It’s been going on for over years now, and it has progressively gotten worse.  I had not done anything about it because I thought it was just that my muscle was not needed to be stretched more.  It got to the point that it was annoying how I could be fine and then all of a sudden, I walked with a limp.  Or I would be fine and after 50 min of seating in my class, my muscle would remain contracted and I’d limp…same when I took a bike class.  My leg felt exhausted but the rest of my body did not.  I went to a Chiropractor and the results were the issues with my S1 nerve and the MTP.  He would like to see me 3 times a week for 12 weeks in order to adjust my lower lumbar region.

An image I found online, shows where the S1 nerve is located:

I’m not going to do these sessions; I will wait until I have benefits thru employment.

With these results and how uncomfortable my right quad feels after a bike class, I have decided to switch -yet again- my routine at the gym.  Not only am I changing it because of what is going on medically, but also because I keep reading, from fitness professionals, that in order to lose fat one must train heavy while also including a High Intensity Interval  Training (HIIT ) routine.  In addition, I want quality, effective workouts, not to be in the gym for hours a day…that is not realistic.   Its not about quantity or workouts but rather about quality training, topped with good nutrition.  I’m feeling good about this because I love to train with free weights and to train heavy.  The plan will be to train with weights 4-5 days a week and perform 3-4 HIIT sessions, along with 2-3 BodyFlow classes.  We’ll see how well I this plan.  Consistency is not my for-take.

Exercise is just one of the few things I’m going to change.  I’ll continue to update you on everything.

Have you gone through a life event that has made you or is making you re-evaluate things in your life?



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