Back to the gym

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Jan 252012

To the gym that is = )  As mentioned here, I want to lose weight and get in shape.  I have been going to the gym this whole month, however, yesterday was my first day with a plan.  To start, I’m not going to overly stress about the eating part of this fitness journey.  For two weeks, my goal is to make it to the gym a minimum of 4 days and do a combination of cardio, like running, and weights along with my BodyFlow and RPM classes.  I would love to get into Kettlebells again, but I can’t pay a trainer right now and don’t feel confident to do it on my own…its easy to get hurt with Kettlebells if not doing proper form.  Its easy with any exercise but specially free weights and Kettlebells.

Anyway, yesterday (Monday Jan 23), I took an RPM class with my friend and favorite RPM instructor Monica.  She rocks! and can motivate me to push hard.  Even though I don’t seem to be built for endurance exercises, I still enjoy riding the indoor bike and I try really hard to be fast on the speed tracks.  I home one day, not too long from now I can push harder and be Ms. Speedy = )

Back in December I tried out a class called BodyPump.  Its a good class, but I prefer lifting free weights.  So today, I got back into lifting.  It was an easy but workout, I did feel the burn and was surprised how heavy 60lbs on the bench press and 12.5 lbs on dumbbell shoulder press were.  Wow, I felt weak!  I didn’t it let it get to me though, I kept going, but I did sped up the workout for it to be a little more of a circuit training.  I was seating!  After the weights, I got on the Arc Trainer (which I prefer over the Elliptical) and was on that for 20 minutes.    All and all, I felt great and was very happy that I finally got back to weight training.  I’m looking forward to legs and abs day tomorrow, though I’m not sure what will be my plan of attack.  I’ll keep you posted!

Here is the routine I did today:

Bench Press: 45×15, 55×10, 60×10

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 10×10, 12.5×10, 12.5×10

Triceps Cable Extensions w/V Bar: 50×10, 60×12, 60×15

Side/Front Shoulder Raises: 7.5/10 x 10, 7.5/10 x10

Single Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks: 7.5×10, 10×10, 10×10

Wide Pushups: 2 sets of 10

Narrow Pushups: 2 sets of 10

Side-to-Side Pushups: 2 sets of 10

Whoa!  Got tired by remembering those pushups.  Its amazing how one can be strong in lifting weights, yet not so strong with body weight exercises!  The later is an area I really want to improve.  More on that as my journey progresses.

Check back again tomorrow for a recipe = )

~ L.

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