Mar 082013

The phone rang at 1:48pm on February 26. It was Dr. Neuenschwander from Brentwood Animal Hospital. I had dropped Sasha off earlier in the day for a radiographic examination of her left leg and pelvic region. She had been in some pain that was causing her to avoid putting weight on her left leg. When we arrived at the veterinary office, Sasha was using her left leg primarily as a means of balancing herself. Her leg would tremble when she stood still, but that was attributed to being a product of the leg not bearing any weight. Liliana was no longer satisfied with the explanation that arthritis was the likely cause of Sasha’s symptoms, and that is why Sasha went in for X-rays, and that is what lead to our hopes being dashed and our fears being realized. The cancer had returned.

Dr. Neuenschwander explained that Sasha had tumors on her left femur and the left side of her pelvis. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I fully expected to hear that Sasha’s joints were deteriorating due to arthritis, but the thought of cancer returning to her body was not news that I was prepared to hear. The dog that I took to the vet’s office that morning was a happy, healthy animal with a sore leg. She was not a dog with cancer-riddled bones. Sasha was beating the odds! The cancer had been cut from her body, and any remnants were destroyed by chemotherapy treatments. Her immune system was trained via vaccine to seek out and destroy any rogue malignant cells that dared to take hold in her beautiful body. The cancer was not supposed to come back. Sasha was supposed to win the battle and the war!

Many tears were shed on the day that we found out the bad news.  I think the pain that Liliana and I felt on that day was worse than what we felt when we learned of Sasha’s first diagnosis. The good news is that Sasha has no idea what is going on and she must have been thinking that her Mom and Dad were going loco with all the emotion going on.

Sasha has always been a stoic dog in the face of adversity, discomfort, and even pain. She represents her breed well as she embodies all the qualities of a good American bulldog. She stubbornly pursues tail-wagging fun, and avoids, just as stubbornly, things and activities that do not please her. Sasha is not one to lie down before the trials and tribulations of life, and so Liliana and I will try to be as tough as she is and help her continue her war against osteosarcoma.

Dr. Mason had already received the news about Sasha from Dr. Neuenschwander when Liliana and I called her the day after Sasha’s X-rays. We spoke with her on speaker-phone for forty-five minutes. Have I mentioned before that we love Dr. Mason? Well, we do. Anyway, part of what we talked about was, ‘what’s next for Sasha?’ We talked about several options, but the conversation centered mostly on Palladia. Palladia is an anti-cancer drug that works by blocking the signaling of several growth receptors and inhibits the growth of new blood vessels in tumors. A clinical trial using Palladia and Cyclophosphamide was running concurrently with the L. Monocytogenes vaccine trial at UPenn. The trial closed recently, so results are lacking, but hopes are high, and following its use in 2009 to treat dogs with a variety of cancers, evidence suggests that Palladia extended the lives of dogs with OSA longer than if they had only been treated with chemotherapy.

I called Dr. Hauck from NC State Veterinary Hospital the next day to see about getting Sasha started on Palladia. Dr. Hauck agreed that Palladia was a possible option for Sasha and asked to see her the next day for blood work and a urinalysis. Palladia has many possible side effects, some serious, and Dr. Hauck wanted to ensure that Sasha was healthy enough to begin the new treatment. When the lab was finished with Sasha’s blood and urine, the results were called, “beautiful”. Once again, Sasha had good blood and good pee. Sasha began taking Palladia that same day. She is to be given a 75mg dose once each Monday, Wednesday and Friday for two weeks to see how she tolerates the drug. If all goes well, more Palladia will be prescribed along with Cyclophosphamide. I’m happy to write that after three doses, Sasha appears to be 100% side-effect free! I’m sure that some side effects take longer to manifest, but I say this is a good start!

We will try to do a better job at keeping everyone up to date on how Sasha is doing. I’m sorry that the posts on Lili’s Notes have been few and far between. Liliana has been extremely busy in her new job, and I – well, I’ll just say that life can be difficult sometimes. I’m sure you’ve all heard the phrase, “when it rains, it pours”. I just wasn’t prepared for the buckets that have been crashing down on my and Liliana’s heads lately. Anyway, I’ll try harder to do a better job here. In the meantime, check out Sasha swimming at Lap it Up in Durham the day after we found out that the cancer had returned:

Dec 092012

That is the question, or rather, a point of contention between Liliana and me for the past several months. OK fine, if I am to be 100% honest, both Liliana and I baby Sasha. We’ve always treated our dogs very good, lathered them with praise when they do something special, and talk to them as if they were humans.  They sleep with us, watch television beside us on the couch, and eat the best food that we are able to afford for them.  But the way that we treat Sasha since she was diagnosed with cancer has changed.  While some special treatment may have been called for as Sasha limped in pain from the tumor that ravaged her humerus, or while she recuperated from having her arm amputated, now that her physical pain is gone, perhaps our well intentioned pampering borne from love does her more harm than good.

In order to help give my thesis a little validity, let me tell you all a story about Sasha when she was a puppy.  The day that we brought Sasha home to live with us, she was 10 weeks old and probably weighed about 10 pounds.  We set her down at the base of our apartment stairs and waited to see if she would make an attempt to scale the twenty or so steps that lead to our living room.  She did not.  But that was okay.  Mom or dad (I don’t remember who now) scooped little Sasha up and carried her up the stairs and into her new home.  It would take Sasha several days to master going up and down the stairs, but as we all learned in our economics class, incentives matter, and Sasha provided a perfect illustration for that particular lesson.  She found an incentive – a motivating force that would have her master those stairs and turn her new mom and dad into proud fools.  Yes, fools.

Liliana and I knew from the beginning of our time as dog parents that we wanted to reward good behavior from our furry kids.  If Sasha messed on the carpet, we dealt a swift, “No!”, and then picked her up and ran down the stairs, opened the door, and set her on the ground.  If she had more business to do, then we would tell her, “Good Girl!”, and “Pee pees and Poo poos Outside!” in a happy and upbeat voice.  In addition to praising her for doing her business outside, we would also give her a treat.  This system of praise and reward is how we learned that our little girl was not only smart, but also cunning.

After two days of working on teaching Sasha that she was to do her business outside, and rewarding her with a treat each time that she performed the desired behavior, Liliana and I were proud that Sasha seemed to be learning.  She made fewer messes in the apartment, and asked to go outside more frequently.  This was great! Sasha would ask to be let out, and then she would squat, and almost simultaneously lift her head in anticipation of the treat that always followed this exercise.

As caring new doggie parents, Liliana and I grew a little concerned when Sasha started asking to be let out every 15 minutes or so.  Was something wrong?  Why did Sasha need to go out so often?   Well, it turned out that Sasha learned how to game the system.  She was being sneaky about it, but we figured out that she wasn’t actually ‘producing’ 80% of the time that we let her out to do her business.  Nope.  Instead, she was just squatting for cookies.  Sly.

OK, so with that background on Sasha, it may help you to see my side of things a little better.  It is in Sasha’s nature to figure out ways to get what she wants from her humans, and she is not above a little trickery to get her way.

While Sasha was recuperating from her surgery, Liliana and I would lay beside her on the floor, sleep with her, and bring her food and water.  She was in terrible pain, and she had not yet learned to walk in a stable manner as a tripawd.  Babying Sasha during her recovery was something that I don’t think anyone could find fault with, and even if they could, it wouldn’t have mattered to me.

Things are different now.  Sasha is a running, jumping, swimming tripawd.  She loves to fetch her flying disk, explore the front yard (the backyard is just for peeing and pooping as far as Sasha is concerned) and go swimming.  She can also run up stairs, leap up onto the living room sofa and our bed, and she always runs out to the dining area of our house for feeding time.  Sasha, on three legs, is faster than our Big Guy, Argus, who has all four of his legs!  She’s my supergirl.

Even though Sasha is back to being an athlete again, she still remembers that mom and dad used to bring her the water bowl when she was thirsty.  Being the sly trickster that she is, and playing to her MOM’s loving naiveté, Sasha plays the role of a poor helpless cripple when she is thirsty.  She’ll let out a few whimpers and then turn a sad puppy dog gaze toward Liliana.  That’s usually all it takes for Sasha to get her way, but if she has to, she will turn up the guilt trip a little more.  The next step of her game consists of actually standing up from her dog bed, taking a step or two in the direction of where the water is, and then looking over to Liliana again.  If Liliana still doesn’t get up, then Sasha takes another step or two and combines the sad puppy dog face with whimpering and then looking off toward the hallway, and then back at Liliana.  GAME OVER!  Sasha wins.  Mommy brings the water bowl over to Sasha.

Sasha has learned how to manipulate her humans to bend to her will.  She did it when she was a puppy, and she’s still doing it now as a twelve year old dog.  All of our dogs, and I’m sure every dog in the world, knows how to use the sad puppy dog face to get their way with people.  I’m convinced, however, that Sasha has a few more arrows in her quiver than the average dog, and she has no shame in using all of her special doggie powers to control Liliana and me for her benefit.

Do I mind babying Sasha?  Do I not want to give into her every whim and desire?  No, of course I don’t mind babying her, and it makes me happy to pick her up to put her on our bed each night before we go to sleep.  What concerns me though is that by always giving into Sasha, we are encouraging her to live a more sedentary lifestyle.  If we choose to stand our ground when Sasha wants us to bring her the water bowl, she will eventually get frustrated and hop to the water bowl on her own.  But she will no longer jump up onto our bed on her own.  Does she refuse to make the jump because she no longer feels like she can clear the mattress?   I have no doubt that she can do it from having seen her sprint after her flying disk time after time, and then jumping up for it when I wave it above her head, but maybe she doubts her own abilities now.

Bringing the water bowl to Sasha and putting her on the bed are only two examples of what I am referring to when I use the words, “baby” or “pamper”.  I don’t want to give the impression that we now treat Sasha like a total invalid, and I also don’t want to give the impression that Liliana is the only one who gives Sasha special treatment.  I am also guilty of pampering our girl.  I just don’t want to cause harm with kind intentions.  I want Sasha’s body to stay strong, and I want her to keep her ‘do anything’ bulldog attitude.

What’s your opinion?  Cut back on the babying, or baby away!?!  How do you baby your babies? Let us know, and please don’t forget to enter the contest to win a free 8″x10″ canvas print from Printcopia! To learn more and enter, click here: Printcopia Giveaway!

Nov 262012

Monday, November 19, Sasha went in for her first bi-monthly post vaccine follow up at NC State Vet School.   Carlos and I were anxious to hear the results of Dr. Hauck’s evaluation of Sasha.  The last time Sasha was at NC State, radiographs of her chest revealed a nodule that was of some concern to us.  Dr. Hauck, the radiologists at NC State, and Dr. Mason at UPenn felt fairly confident that the white cloud that appeared in the radiograph a month ago did not represent metastatic disease.  The experts’ opinions helped put our minds at ease, but we were hoping for clear lungs this time round.

Sasha’s lungs are clear!

We got the news that we wanted.  Sasha’s lungs were clear!  There was no sign of metastasis!  Not even a single questionable cloud or mysterious nodule.  Dr. Hauck told us that Sasha checked out great, and that she appeared to be very happy and healthy.  Is Sasha an example of one of the very few dogs that might not have developed metastasis after amputation and chemotherapy, or do we have the Advaxis vaccine to thank for her continued good health?  I suspect we’ll never know the answer to that question.  The longer Sasha is healthy, and in fact lives, the more likely that the vaccine had a role to play in her extended time with us.  To be honest, there is a part of me that only cares about having Sasha with us for as long as possible regardless of the reason.  There is another part of me, however, that realizes the enormous significance of a vaccine that is effective at fighting osteosarcoma in dogs – and hopefully in people too.  Either way, Liliana and I were happy to receive the good news from Dr. Hauck.

Nov 012012

Sasha went back to NC State on October 15th for some follow-up radiographs, a month earlier than normally scheduled.  The reason for the early return to NC State was that another shadow appeared in the radiographs taken of her lungs back on September 18th.

We dropped Sasha off with Dr. Hauck in the morning, and would have to wait until 5pm for the results of her new radiographs.  We were a little anxious about what we would find out, of course, but we also were feeling positive.  Sasha had been acting completely normal; she was active and happy.  We even started taking her swimming at an indoor facility just for dogs.  Sasha loves swimming so much; she must have been a seal in a past life!

Liliana stopped by the house after work and picked me up so that we could pick up Sasha together.  It didn’t take long for Dr. Hauck to meet us in the waiting room area and bring us into an examination room.  She explained to Liliana and I that, once again, the blemish that appeared in last month’s radiographs of Sasha’s chest had disappeared.  Unfortunately, also like last time, a new white cloud was now visible.

Dr. Hauck explained that we should not be alarmed at the new finding.  It was very small, and like last time, no determination could be made as to what the cloud actually was.  In fact, it was her and the radiologist’s opinion that the new cloud was likely nothing more than the intersection of one of Sasha’s ribs, along with a vein and some other internal body.  Dr. Hauck showed the new radiographs to Liliana and me, and though we aren’t experts at reading radiographs, the intersection theory seemed like a fairly obvious conclusion.

So, we left NC State feeling good about Sasha’s current condition, and planed on carrying on as we had been doing.  Sasha would continue to go swimming at least once per week, her diet would stay the same (Orijen), and hugs, kisses, rubs, pats, and “good girls” would continue to be handed out liberally.  Sasha approves of this course of action!

Sasha is scheduled to go back to NC State on the 19th of November.  We will write again – hopefully in a timelier manner – about her checkup, and let everyone know how she is doing.  We would really like to travel to Philadelphia for Sasha’s January checkup.  I know Sasha would love to see Dr. Mason, and Liliana and I would enjoy the visit also.

Aug 282012

Sasha’s back home from The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine after her third and final administration of ADXS-HER2 vaccine in the Mason Bone Cancer Study.

Liliana and I drove up to my parent’s home in Parkesburg, PA from Raleigh, NC on Monday, August 20 (Liliana’s birthday).  Many thanks to my mom and dad for helping us out with a place to stay and food to eat during our multiple stays in PA.  My parents have also welcomed two of our other dogs, Argus and Alli, into their home each time that we’ve made this journey.  The drive from our home in Raleigh to my parent’s home in Parkesburg takes about seven hours.  It isn’t all that bad, but after making the trip several times in the span of a couple months, each landmark becomes a familiar reminder of how much further we still have to go before reaching our destination.  It’s Ok, though, I travel with good company, and as long as I have coffee to drink and something to chew on occasionally, the trip is easily bearable.

Argus, Sasha and Alli on our way to Pennsylvania.

Sleeping the miles away to Pennsylvania.

Sasha resting before receiving her 3rd and last vaccine.

We headed to Philadelphia at around 7:30AM on Tuesday to ensure that we would arrive at UPenn by our 9AM scheduled appointment with Dr. Mason.  Anna, a fourth year student, greeted us and brought us back to an examination room.  During Anna’s examination of Sasha, Dr. Mason arrived.  She peeked into the room through the glass panel on the door.  Sasha noticed the Dr. through the glass and perked up.  I’ll never forget Sasha’s reaction to Dr. Mason entering the room.  She jumped up and darted toward Dr. Mason.  Her tail was wagging in a fashion reserved only for very special people.  I’m sorry to go on, each time I write, about the Dr’s. and Sasha’s relationship, but I cannot get over how well they get along, and how much Sasha loves Dr. Mason!

Tuesday 8/21 at Penn Vet. Sasha waiting for Dr. Mason.

Sasha’s clinical examination was unremarkable.  She was bright and alert, her temperature was normal at 101.5⁰F, and her vital parameters were all within normal limits.  Sasha does have a small lesion on her right foot, second digit, and a small area of dermatitis between the digits of the same foot.  Dr. Mason had seen the lesion on her toe during her last visit.  We all agree that the probable cause of this lesion is that the adjacent toe nail is splintered and rough, and rubs the other toe as Sasha walks and runs.  The dermatitis is new, but of little concern.

Prior to administering the final dose of the vaccine, Sasha’s blood was drawn, and a chemistry screen was performed.  Her white blood cells were just low of normal, but her red blood cells and platelets were within normal parameters.  A repeat cardiac examination was performed using an echocardiogram and an EKG.  The examination revealed no significant changes from previous visits.

On 8/21, administration of the listeria vaccine began at 12:20PM and lasted for 30 minutes.  Within a few hours, the effect of the vaccine on Sasha was apparent.  She appeared to be feeling ill and a bit depressed.  At about 3:45PM, Sasha vomited, but her vital parameters remained within normal limits.  Her temperature peaked at 102.6⁰F at about 5:00PM.  This is not high enough to be considered a fever.

We all hoped, as perverse as it may seem, that Sasha would develop a fever as a result of receiving the vaccine.  A fever is a sure indicator that her immune system recognizes the listeria as an unwanted intruder in her body, and mounts an attack against it.  Such a response from her immune system would suggest that her body’s defenses might also recognize any cancer cells in her body as agents of nefarious character, since both the listeria in the vaccine, and the cancer cells that caused Sasha all her grief to begin with, both carry the HER2 genetic marker.  Dr. Mason made it clear, however, that a fever is not unequivocal proof of efficacy; nor is lack of a fever proof of ineffectiveness.

8/22/12 – Sasha remained stable with her vital parameters within normal limits.  She was not interested in her usual food that we feed her at home, but this has become normal for her while at UPenn.  She seems to have figured out that by turning her nose up at her Wellness Core and Orijen food, she will be given something different (canned chicken and rice) by Dr. Mason.  She seemed slightly depressed and lethargic prior to eating, but then perked up after her meal.  Bloodwork on this day showed mild anemia and lower platelet count (from 278,000 to 109,000).  Something I found funny: In Dr. Mason’s remarks about an orthopedic evaluation performed on Sasha, she noted, “She had no neurological deficits but resented her right foot being pinched”.  It’s funny, because I think I might resent that too!  Actually, the reason Dr. Mason made that comment is because Sasha showed a little extra sensitivity on her right foot, but that is likely explainable by the dermatitis that she had between her toes during this visit.

8/23/12 – Sasha’s hematocrit level was back to normal and her platelet count rose to 141,000 (still slightly below normal).  Her serum biochemistry panel showed no elevations in liver enzymes.

During Sasha’s initial examination on Tuesday, we told Dr. Mason that Sasha seemed to be feeling a little lethargic.  She needed a little extra coaxing to get up and go outside for bathroom breaks, and she just seemed, overall, a little less active than usual. This had been going on for about a week previous to our arrival in Philly.  As a result of our observation of Sasha’s lack of energy, Dr. Mason decided to take some thoracic radiographs.  They revealed a 6.5mm soft tissue opacity in her right cranial lobe.  As you can imagine, Liliana’s and my heart stopped for a moment when we heard that news.  Radiographs taken during our first trip to UPenn were clean.  Dr. Mason explained to us that we should not be alarmed at the finding.  It is unclear what is showing up in the radiographs, and it could be any number of things.  More radiographs will be taken during her “re-stage” exam in three weeks, and we will have a better idea of what is going on.  Till then, we will cross our fingers and hope that a fly landed on her chest and went unnoticed as the film was exposed, or something else equally innocuous!

As we were walking out of the hospital, Dr. Mason led the way, but when she turned right and we continued straight ahead for the exit doors, Sasha came to an abrupt stop.  She looked at Dr. Mason as to say, “Aren’t you coming with us?”  She would not budge an inch until Dr. Mason told her, “Go ahead, you can go home now.”  Sasha knows the phrases, “go ahead” and “go home”.  This was just another example of the closeness that Sasha feels to Dr. Mason.  Sasha only behaves with Liliana and me, the way that she does with Dr. Mason.

Argus and Sasha sleeping on our way back to Raleigh.

Alli bored and tired on the long ride home.

Now that we are all back home, Liliana and I need to decide whether we will bring Sasha back to Philadelphia for her 3-week follow up, or if we will bring her to see Dr. Hauck at North Carolina State University.  Sasha made her vote very clear; she wants to see Dr. Mason!  Liliana is starting a new job (Congratulations!), though, and the trip to PA is wearing on all of us a little.  Sasha will need to go in for bimonthly checkups after this first three week post treatment checkup, so we will definitely be going up North for many of those.  We’ll let you know what we decide.  Until then, thanks for reading, and be sure to come back.  We’ll be posting more updates on Sasha and the other dogs enrolled in the trial.

Aug 162012

We took Sasha to our local vet on August 8, to have some blood drawn as per Dr. Mason’s request.  We took the same precautionary step a week after Sasha’s first visit to UPenn.  The vaccine (ADXS-HER2) causes an elevation of liver enzymes and also affects some other values that are of concern.  The blood sample arrived at UPenn on the 9th, and Dr. Mason informed us of the results on August 12.

Sasha’s red and white blood cells and platelets were all normal.  Her liver values were slightly elevated: ALT (180; normal=16-91), AST (87; normal=23-65), ALKP was normal.  Though these values are slightly high, they are far from being a cause for concern, and they are below where they were one week after the first treatment.  Dr. Mason is happy with the results of Sasha’s bloodwork, and so then, so are we.

Sasha goes back to UPenn for her third and final treatment the week of August 20.  We’ll keep everyone updated on how things go for our girl.  Wish her well!

Aug 102012

Here on Lili’s Notes, we’ve been writing about Sasha’s battle against osteosarcoma, and her progress in the Mason Bone Cancer Study at The University of Pennsylvania’s School of Veterinary Medicine.  If you’ve been following Sasha’s story, then you know that she just finished her second treatment at UPenn, where Dr. Mason administered the anti-cancer vaccine.  We are happy to report that Sasha has tolerated the vaccine quite well to this point, and she remains happy and healthy.  We love our dogs, and our primary concern throughout this whole experience has been Sasha’s well being; however, as time passes and our three legged dog seems to be out of the way of immediate harm, it seems only fair and deserved that we recognize the company that is responsible for creating the vaccine that Sasha has been fortunate enough to receive.

The name of the vaccine is ADXS-HER2, and the company that makes it is Advaxis.  As our readers know, ADXS-HER2 is in phase 1 veterinary trial for canine osteosarcoma.    Here is what Advaxis has to say about ADXS-HER2 on their website:

ADXS-HER2 is an immunotherapy that targets HER2 over-expressing cells. By incorporating HER2 into the Advaxis live, attenuated vector, Advaxis intends to deliver the HER2 antigen fused to the powerful immunostimulant LLO, directly inside antigen presenting cells that are capable of driving a cellular immune response to HER2 over-expressing cells. The Advaxis approach is also designed to inhibit the Treg and MDSC cells specifically in the tumors that have been promoting immunologic tolerance of the cancer cells.

In concept, eliminating HER2 positive cancer cells with cellular immunity may help prevent the development of resistance that sometimes occurs with antibody treatment, as well as more effectively track down and eliminate potential metastases in the brain of patients with breast cancer.

HER2 (human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) is a gene which is over expressed in a percentage of certain types of cancers such as breast, gastric, bladder, pancreatic, brain, and ovarian. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2011 in the US there will be 230,480 diagnoses of invasive breast cancer, 21,520 new cases of gastric cancer, 69,250 new cases of bladder cancer, 44,030 new cases of pancreatic cancer, 22,340 new cases of brain/spinal cord cancer, and 21,900 new cases of ovarian cancer. For additional information, please visit:

We have very high hopes for the potential efficacy of ADXS-HER2 in fighting the return of, and the metastasis of the osteosarcoma that claimed Sasha’s leg.  We also know that the potential good that this vaccine can bring is much greater than just extending the life of our beloved dog.  We hope that ADXS-HER2 is a fantastic success in human populations as well.  Cancer is indiscriminate in the pain it causes so many people all over the world.  Let us all hope that Advaxis has created something that will quell the suffering of millions.

Aug 062012

It’s a lazy Sunday (delayed post) here at the Ruano Ranch.  Our ride back to Raleigh from PA was mostly uneventful other than some heavy traffic between D.C. and Richmond, VA.  It’s a good thing I replaced the radiator cooling fan on the Jeep before we left for PA on Monday; things would have gotten a little steamy in all that stop-and-go.


Sasha did very well during her second treatment in the Mason Bone Cancer Study at The School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania.  Shortly after arriving, a very nice gentleman named Alex (student/intern??) escorted us back to one of the examination rooms.  He gave Sasha a quick once over, and then went to get Dr. Mason.  When Dr. Mason walked into the room, it was like a reunion of old friends between her and Sasha.  Well, I guess that’s exactly what it was.  People say that dogs cannot be fooled with false expression of feelings – that they see past affectation and discern the truth behind the smile.  I believe this to be true, and that is how I know that Dr. Mason is as good a person as I think she is – Sasha tells me so.

Sasha reacted differently to the L. Monocytogenes vaccine the second time round.  She developed a fever during her first treatment, and we expected to see the same thing happen this time, but Sasha’s temperature stayed at normal levels for her entire stay at UPenn.  This was a little disappointing since a fever is a sure sign that Sasha’s immune system is reacting to the Listeria bacteria.  Dr. Mason explained to Liliana and me, however, that lack of a fever is not necessarily a sign of lack of efficacy of the vaccine.  Instead of developing a fever this time, Sasha became nauseous and vomited.  Although no one enjoys seeing Sasha suffer, her nausea was good evidence that the vaccine did have an effect.

Prior to administration of the vaccine, Dr. Mason had blood drawn from Sasha to evaluate her red and white blood cell counts, and her liver and kidney function values along with electrolytes and blood proteins.  Sasha’s blood work came back normal.  All of her numbers looked good, including her liver values which were of some concern after her first visit to UPenn.  Listeria is primarily sequestered in the liver and to a lesser extent, in the spleen.  It causes damage to the liver (reparable) and causes liver enzymes to rise.  We will be taking Sasha to our local veterinarian for bloodwork  on Wednesday to make sure that everything still looks good.  In the meantime, we will be giving Sasha Denosyl (prescribed by Dr. Mason) for her liver.  Denosyl contains Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, which aids in liver detoxification by making toxins more soluble so that they can more easily be excreted from the body.

Sasha is relaxing beside me on her bed as I write this update.  She will go for a walk later, or maybe play with her Kong flying disk in the back yard.  Sometime during the next two weeks, we are planning on taking her swimming at a pond in Youngsville, NC.  It’s pretty cool because people can rent the entire pond by the half hour, and the cost is reasonable.  Swimming is one of Sasha’s favorite activities, so I have a feeling that we will be visiting the pond on a regular basis.

Thanks for reading about Sasha’s progress in the Mason Bone Cancer Study.  Be sure to come back for more updates on her and the other dogs in the study!

Meet Dolly!

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Aug 042012

On May 31, 2012, Dolly, a six-year old dog, and her owner Rachel, received the sad news that Dolly had osteosarcoma.  Since her diagnosis, Dolly has had her rear left leg removed has received two treatments of carboplatin chemotherapy.  Rachel learned of the Mason Bone Cancer Study going on at the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, and had Dolly screened for the Her2/neu antigen; she tested positive and Dolly is on the list of dogs scheduled to participate in the study.  If all goes according to plan, she will go to UPenn on about the third week of September to take her turn in receiving the L. Monocytogenes vaccine.

Rachel found Dolly about five years ago in a Philadelphia shelter, and the two have been inseparable ever since.  Rachel says, “[Dolly] is very social and has lots of doggie friends.”  Rachel’s sister, Sarah, is mom to a super cute dog named Rita.  Dolly and Rita are best friends and like sisters to each other.  Rita is shorter than Dolly, and can often be seen walking under her big sister.  Rachel says, “They are Yin and Yang, short and tall, reserved and social, old and young, but the one thing that’s equal, is their love for each other.  It’s very sweet.”  “When I realized Dolly was losing her leg,” Rachel writes, “I somehow managed to joke that Rita would just have to walk under her at all times, holding her up.  She does that in a way.”

Rita and Dolly

Rachel tells us that Dolly was depressed and in a bit of a funk after having her leg amputated.  I’d say, if ever there was a good reason to be a little melancholic, losing a major appendage would be one such reason!  The two days following the amputation were “incredibly difficult,” according to Rachel, but love and fortitude got her and Dolly through that painful time.  “It took Dolly a little while to get the hang of stairs, and going to the bathroom on three on legs,” wrote Rachel, but, “more worrisome, was her attitude in the days/weeks following her surgery.”  To lift her spirits, Rachel took Dolly for her favorite hike on the Wissahickon Trail.

Dolly waiting for the ball

Check out Dolly having fun at Wissahickon in this video!

Rachel says that the hike brought back the old Dolly, and, “now she is back to her goofy, playful, eternally curious self.”

Thank you, Rachel, for sharing Dolly’s story with us.  We wish you and her all the best, and hope that she gets along in the Mason Bone Cancer Study just as well as Sasha has.  We hope to continue to share Dolly’s progress as the weeks, months-years go by.  Make sure you come back to see how she’s doing.

Rachel and Dolly

Jul 302012

We’re back in Philly, well, Parkesburg, PA for the night, but Philadelphia tomorrow for Sasha’s second treatment in the Mason Bone Cancer Study at the University of Pennsylvania.  We drove up to Pennsylvania from Raleigh, NC today, and we are spending the night at my parent’s home.  We’ll head to UPenn tomorrow at about 7AM in hopes of getting there at 9AM to meet with Dr. Mason.

Sasha has been doing well; full of life and spunk.  She did great the last time she was in Dr. Mason’s care, and I expect everything to go well this time, too.  Dr. Mason is excited to see Sasha, and, apparently, so are some of the other staff at the UPenn Vet School.  It seems that Sasha has earned a bit of a celebrity status at the school.

Liliana and I are planning to visit the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology tomorrow after dropping Sasha off with Dr. Mason, but I’ll be sure to write an update on how our visit at UPenn goes, and I’ll also introduce you all to a beautiful dog named Dolly.  Dolly is scheduled to be the third dog to participate in the Mason Bone Cancer Study.