Lazy Sunday

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May 072012

The weekend does go by fast.  Wouldn’t you just love to have a 3-day weekend?  I would.  Would you chose to have off Friday thru Sunday or Saturday thru Monday?  I think I prefer the first option.  If it was the latter, the week would feel much shorter, eventhough it would literally be shorter.

Anyway, my Sunday was semi productive:

Long overdue mini mani/pedi

Not the best picture, sorry!

Oops, should have noticed I need to wash these sandals!

Protein chocolate bars

Labeled containers and added spices I had purchased in baggies

Organized more firewood

And started going through a ton of recipes I’ve been keeping for years!

Have not finished this yet.  Need to figure out how to organize the recipes I keep.


Did you tackle any project this Sunday, or did you just rested and relaxed for the week ahead?  I am looking forward to Tuesday and Thursday.  Check in back later in the week to see why = )

I hope everyone has a great week =


~ L.

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