Lazy Sunday

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Apr 302012

While our Sunday was not lazy per se, it was not as productive as I had hoped.  We took the dogs out to play on Saturday – we let them run off leash- so that we did not feel guilty not going out today.  I did get to bake a new batch of chocolate protein bars -they came delicious by the way, and I also made a green salsa with tomatillos and avocados.

Other things I wanted to get done on Sunday:

  • Do practice test for my final on Tuesday
  • Finish the practice essay for my final on Tuesday
  • Sweep
  • Buy fish oil for dogs and a food container for Sasha’s food
  • Marinade some chicken for the week
  • Connect laminate floors to hardwood floors
  • Clear outside underneath the kitchen window
  • Transplant the seeds that came up – I planted them a couple of weeks ago
  • Finish organizing the firewood

And a few other things.  Looking back I see I was asking for too much.  When I make a huge list of things to do over the weekend, we end up either not doing anything or only getting one or two things done; I end up disappointed.

This coming Tuesday I have my English final.  I’m working on my essay, I hope I can memorize most of it.  Oh, and sorry I have no pictures, I will definitely do my best to add 1-2 pictures to each post.  I use a point and shot camera and pictures don’t come out as nice.  Carlos has a nice DSLR, but it intimidates me = )  Hmm, that cold be a new goal.

~ L.

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