Nov 292012

Napoleon Hill is one of my favorite authors.  I thought I’d share a few of his many great quotes.

Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit. 

No man ever achieved worth-while success who did not, at one time or another, find himself with at least one foot hanging well over the brink of failure.

Before success comes in any man’s life, he’s sure to meet with temporary defeat and, perhaps failures.  When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and most logical thing to do is to quit.  That’s exactly what the majority of men do.

~Napoleon Hill

Meet Abby

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Nov 272012

Abby is a beautiful Rottweiler who was scheduled to participate in the Mason Bone Cancer Study in early  November. Unfortunately, a heart  condition found during Abby’s evaluation at UPenn disqualified her from participating in the clinical trial.

Read Abby’s story in her mom’s (Barbara) words:

Abby (front) and Ziva (back)

Abby’s life with us began as a search for a playmate for our other Rottie,  Ziva.   As Ziva got closer to her first birthday, I could see how much she needed a playmate to keep her company while we were working and to have another dog close in age. We had another dog, Nikki, who was already 13 and not at all able to keep up with a very rowdy and hyper Ziva. I began looking for another Rottie and soon found an ad for a puppy in Gates County, North Carolina. We made contact by phone and received pictures via email. We knew she would be named Abby before we even met her. What else would a die-hard NCIS fan name Ziva’s sister!  When we brought her home, Abby and Ziva bonded immediately and from that day forward, where you found one the other was always close By.  Ziva finally had a playmate with the same high energy and rowdiness as she. About 10 months after Abby joined the family, Ziva became seriously ill, she wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t play and quickly lost about 30 pounds.  Abby was always right there beside her, lying beside her, trying to get her  interested in a toy or just running around after squirrels. ZIva had no energy but she had Abby looking after her. Lab work revealed Ziva had Addison ’s disease. After treatment with Prednidone and monthly Percortan-V injections, Ziva was quickly back to her usual rambunctious self and she and Abby were once again terrorizing the squirrel population in the back yard. Ziva, as expected with Prednisone treatment, gained a large amount of weight and one rainy day in December, slid and tore her CCL. She required surgery and 8 weeks of crate rest. Who was continuously right there by her side, always lying in front of Ziva’s crate? Abby! She was never very far from her sissy.

Ziva close to her sister Abby

Abby was always the healthy one, never sick and nothing ever slowed her down. The only real issue she had was her right eye was constantly bothering her and eventually she had to have surgery because her bottom eyelid rolled up into her eye. The poor baby did great through the surgery but was not at all happy with the huge “E” collar she had to wear. Ziva was always right beside her, making sure Abby was okay.  Pat had wanted to breed Abby so we had delayed having her spayed. I just never had a good feeling about allowing her to have puppies. Nothing I could really put my finger on but it just didn’t seem like a good idea somehow. So finally when Abby was 3 1/2, we decided it was time to spay her. She came through the surgery well with Ziva helping her bust open a couple of stitches during her recovery. Hey, what are big sisters for anyway! Abby healed just fine and things were great with her except the weight gain I expected, just never happened. I thought Abby was so lucky!  About 5 months after her surgery, Abby developed a limp in her right rear leg. Thinking she might have a CCL issue or worse, we immediately took her in for x-rays and an exam. We were overjoyed when the x-ray appeared to show nothing was amiss. It must be a cruciate tear then. After resting it for a couple of weeks, it didn’t appear to be worse but no better either. One evening she bumped the knee after jumping off the chair to go outside. She was immediately in excruciating pain. We immediately took her to the emergency vet.  There was no swelling and they looked at the x-ray taken 2 week before. Still thinking it must be a CCL tear, the vet said we really needed to have the veterinary surgeon look at it. The surgeon we used with Ziva was out of town so we had to wait another week or so to get her in. In the meantime there was suddenly this huge hard lump that appeared just below her knee and she was increasingly in more pain. When the surgeon finally saw her, he immediately thought it was Osteosarcoma but couldn’t rule out anything else without a biopsy. That was the day after Abby’s fourth birthday. A week later he called to confirm the diagnosis of OSA. I was totally devastated, Abby was just a baby!  We immediately scheduled the surgery for the next day. I started looking at everything I could find about OSA, the treatments, prognosis, etc. I also started looking at clinical trials and saw the UPenn study for the cancer vaccine. The internist at the veterinary hospital sent a tumor sample to UPenn to see if it was the tumor type they were looking for and it was.


Sleepy Abby

After much consideration, we decided to have the chemo treatments with Carboplatin and Abby did tolerate them remarkably well. Once the chemo was complete, we sent the lab sample to UPenn to see if Abby could be a candidate.  We met with Dr. Mason on November 7th. Abby seemed to enjoy her visit with Dr, Mason and her assistant. The initial samples sent up showed Abby’s immune system was not replicating lymphocytes the way it should. We were afraid she had already developed lung metastases and would be excluded from the trial due to that. After the complete work-up with Dr. Mason was complete, we were quite relieved to hear that Abby’s lungs were cancer free. What we didn’t expect was that the cardiac work up revealed that Abby had Dilated Cardiomyopathy. This of course made her ineligible to participate in the clinical trial. Abby still remains very happy and playful. She still plays with Ziva and they both continue to terrorize the squirrels in the yard. Her appetite is very good. A little too good, actually, she weighs 106 lbs. and has to eat diet food just like Ziva. We will be taking her for more chests x-rays every 2 months and in 3 months she will begin seeing a cardiologist for treatment of the cardiomyopathy. She had no symptoms during her visit to UPenn and it was recommended that she be checked again after 3 months.

Abby enjoying a toy

This is where we are at this point. I will continue to do whatever I have to do to make sure Abby is well taken care of and stays healthy and cancer free as long as possible. I continue to spoil her rotten along with Ziva and love and cherish them both for as long as they are with me.

Tripawd Abby enjoying play time

We are so happy that Abby continues to feel well and enjoy a happy life with her family.  Our fingers are crossed that the cancer will be kept at bay and Abby’s heart condition will be effectively managed.   Go get that Squirell, Abby!!

Nov 262012

Monday, November 19, Sasha went in for her first bi-monthly post vaccine follow up at NC State Vet School.   Carlos and I were anxious to hear the results of Dr. Hauck’s evaluation of Sasha.  The last time Sasha was at NC State, radiographs of her chest revealed a nodule that was of some concern to us.  Dr. Hauck, the radiologists at NC State, and Dr. Mason at UPenn felt fairly confident that the white cloud that appeared in the radiograph a month ago did not represent metastatic disease.  The experts’ opinions helped put our minds at ease, but we were hoping for clear lungs this time round.

Sasha’s lungs are clear!

We got the news that we wanted.  Sasha’s lungs were clear!  There was no sign of metastasis!  Not even a single questionable cloud or mysterious nodule.  Dr. Hauck told us that Sasha checked out great, and that she appeared to be very happy and healthy.  Is Sasha an example of one of the very few dogs that might not have developed metastasis after amputation and chemotherapy, or do we have the Advaxis vaccine to thank for her continued good health?  I suspect we’ll never know the answer to that question.  The longer Sasha is healthy, and in fact lives, the more likely that the vaccine had a role to play in her extended time with us.  To be honest, there is a part of me that only cares about having Sasha with us for as long as possible regardless of the reason.  There is another part of me, however, that realizes the enormous significance of a vaccine that is effective at fighting osteosarcoma in dogs – and hopefully in people too.  Either way, Liliana and I were happy to receive the good news from Dr. Hauck.

Our Thanksgiving

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Nov 252012

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  We had a very nice day along with a delicious meal.  The pack was thankful that we shared some turkey and gravy with all of them, too Smile1

This year, it was just Carlos and I sitting at the table to enjoy our Thanksgiving feast.  Carlos’ cousin has joined us several times in years past, but this year he decided to save his vacation time to visit us and other family on Christmas.  My brother lives in Atlanta; my parents, my sister and her two kids live in Tucson, AZ.  Carlos’ family live in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Indiana and St. Thomas.  We are all spread out, as most families in the USA are today.  We’d love to spend the holidays with family, but we are also quite content to do our own thing and enjoy the time with our dogs while we plump ourselves up on left over Thanksgiving chow.

Check out the spread.  It might not exactly be magazine cover worthy, but it was all delicious!!

Cranberry relish

Stuffing and mashed potatoes

The bird

Our 2012 Thanksgiving Table

We also made pumpkin pie and bought some pecan and sweet potato pie, but I forgot to make some peas!  I know; it’s still a lot of food for two people, but its Carlos’ favorite holiday, and he loves the leftovers 🙂

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner.  Did anyone go shopping on Black Friday?  We stayed home and played with our dogs in the yard for a while, then took Sasha, Tommy and Argus swimming.  It was a nice and quite weekend.  Just the way we like them 🙂






An Update on Molly

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Nov 142012

Molly keeps fighting through adversity.

Below is an e-mail sent to us from Molly’s mom, Jennifer.

On September 28th, we received the sad news that Molly’s cancer had returned and went to her lung. We decided  not to seek any more chemo therapy and keep her comfortable and give her quality. About 2 weeks later we changed our minds due to some urging from our family members. Molly had her first adriamyacin treatment on October 11th. She was given cerenia for nausea and fortunately she did not vomit. 5 days later, she had episodes of bloody diarrhea(this is an expected side effect) Medication was prescribed and the diarrhea only lasted for 2 days. Ten days after Molly’s chemo, she had blood work done which showed her levels were quite low. On November 4th, we contacted Dr. Mason because Molly had some rapid breathing that concerned us. We made arrangements to bring Molly to UPenn the following day for a chest radio-graph. It revealed that the main tumor grew from 2 cm to 3 cm and the other two tumors shrank from 1.5 cm to 1.2 cm. Dr. Mason stated that she was surprised that Molly presented so healthy, she was not expecting that.  Molly had her 2nd chemo treatment last Tuesday and seemed to tolerate it well. This past Sunday, we noticed that Molly has begun to cough intermittently. Molly is scheduled for follow up blood work early next week. Molly’s appetite is still good and so is her energy. Molly is scheduled for a follow up appt. at UPenn at the end of November. My feeling is that the sicker your dog becomes as a response to the vaccine, the better. Molly’s symptoms were quite mild. We will keep you posted.

We are happy to hear that Molly continues to feel well with a good appetite and good energy.  Quality of life is the most important thing, and it seems that, though Molly has hit a rough patch in the road, she nonetheless is  happy.  We wish Jennifer, Mark, and Molly all the best.