It’s been a little rainy today, but it has been a nice day. I prepared some clean meals (lentil soup, protein bars, and I’m marinating chicken) for the week, and a few of the dogs are tired because we took them out for some much needed exercise. Alli got to go to walk around behind baseball fields and around a high school. Then we took her home and picked up Shelby and Tommy. We went to a nice park that we had not been to in a while, and I had forgotten how lovely it is there. The park is called Blue Jay Point, and Falls Lake is there. One nice thing about it is that very close to where we park, there is a lake access with beach area, which makes is easy for the dogs to get in and out of the water to swim. As you can now tell, that’s what the dogs did, they went swimming. Unfortunately, however, it’ll be the last time we take them there – at least for swimming. A ranger stopped by and mentioned they are getting strict on their rules no swimming and no off-leash allowed, because people have gotten bitten, twice, in a one-week period. It is really a shame, its a great spot for dogs to go swimming. The ranger was really nice; he pet our dogs before he left and even apologized. He seemed to genuinely feel bad that dogs can no longer swim.
Now for some lazy Sunday pictures (a video coming soon):
A passing boat brought some big wakes to shore. Here you can see Tommy fighting the wakes. It was funny to see him get knocked down and pushed inland, but he would not give up, he kept on getting up and trying to swim.

After we got home, I prepared some Greek yogurt w/Kashi cereal, blueberries (for me) and a bit of protein powder for taste.
Later in the week I’ll share pictures and videos of Sasha and Argus swimming; they also got to go swimming this week = )
~ L.
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