Sasha went to North Carolina State’s veterinary school on Thursday (04/04/13) for her second round of palliative radiation, and her first round of Pamidronate. The last time I wrote about Sasha, I explained that her condition had quickly deteriorated, and we were hours from saying goodbye to her – forever. In an effort to dull […]
By the look of Sasha in the photo below, you might assume that she is excited about the food in her bowl, and that she is licking her chops in anticipation. Well, you would be wrong if that is what you assumed. We were too! I mixed up some yummy food that I know Sasha […]
When Sasha came home from her visit to NC State Friday of last week, she was clearly uncomfortable and in pain. During a previous visit to the vet school, Dr. Hauck had suggested that we increase the amount of Tramadol that we were giving Sasha in an effort to better manage her pain. At that […]
Today marks one year since the amputation of Sasha’s right arm. Dr. Neuenschwander delivered the bad news of Sasha’s osteosarcoma diagnosis to Liliana and me on March 6, 2012, and eight days later, on March 14, Dr. Clary removed Sasha’s arm, up to and including her scapula. We brought her home on the 15th and […]
The phone rang at 1:48pm on February 26. It was Dr. Neuenschwander from Brentwood Animal Hospital. I had dropped Sasha off earlier in the day for a radiographic examination of her left leg and pelvic region. She had been in some pain that was causing her to avoid putting weight on her left leg. When […]
Yeap, that’s right, Sasha made it into the 2013 Tripawds Calendar!! Neil Sedaka’s Calendar Girl! She is the May calendar girl (calendar #4). Check it out here. Doesn’t she look great?! You may remember seeing the same photo used for the calendar elsewhere on Lili’s Notes. It was taken just three weeks after Sasha’s right […]
That is the question, or rather, a point of contention between Liliana and me for the past several months. OK fine, if I am to be 100% honest, both Liliana and I baby Sasha. We’ve always treated our dogs very good, lathered them with praise when they do something special, and talk to them as […]
Monday, November 19, Sasha went in for her first bi-monthly post vaccine follow up at NC State Vet School. Carlos and I were anxious to hear the results of Dr. Hauck’s evaluation of Sasha. The last time Sasha was at NC State, radiographs of her chest revealed a nodule that was of some concern […]