Sasha’s first night home after amputation of her right arm was very difficult on all of us. She was in a lot of pain, and dysphoric. Her eyes were wide open the entire night, and she was doing something that she never did – whimper. Sasha has been through some serious stuff in her life, […]
Today, Thursday, March 15, is the day that we go to pick up our Sasha from the Vet after amputation of her right arm due to osteosarcoma. Liliana and I are feeling many emotions as we get closer to the vet’s office. How will Sasha react when she sees us? How will we feel when […]
When I wrote my last post/entry, Liliana and I had just learned that our eleven year old American bulldog, Sasha, had a tumor on her right humerus. Our vet, Dr. N., and Dr. Clary, an orthopedic surgeon, agree that the tumor is likely the result of a type of bone cancer called osteosarcoma. After speaking […]
Tuesday, March 6th was a very sad day at the Ruano house. Liliana answered her phone, and it was Dr. N. on the other end. He was calling to give us his findings about why Sasha had developed an increasingly worsening limp due to pain in her front right arm. In the back of our […]

In light of recent news, I thought I would share this paragraph I wrote last semester, for my English 080 class. The paragraph does not include the suggested corrections/changes made by my teacher. Hope you enjoy it! Selecting a puppy is not easy, but Carlos and Liliana would make a fun and exciting adventure of […]
Liliana and I share our home and lives with five of the most wonderful and amazing beings that exist. They are our dogs; they are our family. Their names, in the order that they joined our pack, are, Sasha, Argus, Alli, Shelby and Tommy. Sasha is the matriarch, and she enjoys the rest of the […]

After hours of reading, Carlos and I talked about our options to treat Sasha. If we did nothing, she would be with us for maybe 6 months, but likely much less than that, and most of the time, she would be in a lot of pain and not able to enjoy herself and be happy. […]

Back in August, we took Sasha to the vet and to see an orthopedic surgeon because this was going on. At that time, X-Rays were taken of her paw and wrist but nothing above that. The X-Rays didn’t show any signs of fractures or anything else. She got a couple of medications and within 24 […]
Last Summer, Mom and dad took us to the park and we had to invite two of our favorite people. We wanted to show auntie Danielle and uncle Greg, the Secret trail at Durant park. Of course, in such a beautiful day, Sasha has to take a dip in the water Secret trail Can’t wait […]
For Christmas 2010, Carlos got me a video camera. I wanted the Flip because I had read it was very easy to use, and that is what I wanted, something simple and easy to use. After doing his due diligence, he found the Kodak zi8 was a much better choice. I was thrilled to get […]