Happy Friday! Even though I currently don’t have a job, I still look forward to the weekend. I think that’s a bit silly, but I guess it has to do with still being used to having a ‘regular’ routine. Plus, I am in school, though I’m taking just one class, at 7 am! Crazy, I […]

Welcoming the New Year has given new meaning to the phrase, “time flies,” for me. I cannot believe 2011 is already over! A rundown of our Holidays… First, our free Christmas tree: I think it came out lovely! This was the first time I was in charge of putting the lights on the tree. Carlos […]

For no good reason at all, I have been absent. The past several months have not gone as I had expected/hoped. However, after much though about blogging, I decided I am interested in rambling, and so this post is to put it out there that I’ll be making a few posts on updates we’ve done, […]

On March 22nd, I lost my job. Was I upset? More than I thought I would be. After 10 years with the same employer, my position was made ‘redundant’. The news of restructuring came to us on February 15th…that same day, two roles consisting of about 50 people, were eliminated. The administrative assistants were to […]