
 Posted by
Jun 222011

A while ago we purchased two lamps at JCP for our living/TV room.  As much as I like them, what I want for this room is different.  I feel the one we currently (similar to a light house) have is too small and I’d like something more substantial.  Couldn’t find the lamp on JCP site but, I was considering buying the Heath Spheres Table Lamp to go on the other table.   We also purchased the Elgin Floor Lamp, though it’s not what I would really like.

Sunday we took a stroll in World Market looking for a rug for the kitchen.  We didn’t find a rug that we’d liked but, I did see a couple of lamps that I like more than what we have now:

  1. Agora  Ceramic Table Lamp, it can be found in red and green and,
  2. Tristan Floor Lamp

And just for kicks and because I like animals…I really like the Elephant Ceramic Table Lamp = )

Right now the Agora lamps are on sale for $39.98.  The Elephant lamp is $70.99.  I think I’ll wait to see if it goes on sale and when/if it does, get it…I really like it.  I’ve heard elephants are good luck!

I hear people talk about finding deals at stores like T.J. Maxx, Home Goods, Ross, Stein Mart.  The few times I’ve been there, I haven’t found things I like.  Maybe I need to go more often.  And we should definitely visit some second hand/thrift/antique shops in search for something unique!

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